Trail Projects

What We’ve Been Working On…..

USFS-WRCMBA Cost Share Agreement

WRCMBA board members have successfully negotiated a cost-share agreement with the USFS, Gold Beach-Powers Ranger District. This means, as a club, we can actively start maintenance on USFS land for high-needs trails that we are loosing due to fires, lack of maintenance and funding, neglect, etc. in Curry County. Stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter to receive updates on trail maintenance days for 2021. This is a big success for the club, now we must SHOW UP!

Whiskey Run Trail Maintenance

Stay Tuned to the Events page for upcoming Trail Work Parties, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or sign up for our Newsletter for all the latest news on Whiskey Run!

Tool Cache & Club Trailer = We Did It!

The Club was successful in its request for funding from the Federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) for trail tools and a trailer for storage and transport to our projects.  The total project cost is $13,136 with $3010 of that total being donated by the club and local businesses through discounted equipment purchases.
Big thanks to C&M Equipment in Gold Beach, Trailers Plus in Medford, and Ptarmigan Ptrails in Port Orford.

We also now have a Canycom, mechanized wheelbarrow, for volunteers to haul tools, gravel, generators, and anything else we may need to help make our trail maintenance successful.