Hey everyone, we are heading into drier and windier weather for the summer which unfortunately means fire season as arrived. Please take care in our forests while out riding or traveling in the backcountry. Mike Robison with the CFPA has sent the following info out to the public….
“CFPA will impose fire season starting at 0001 hours on June 24, 2022. This requires logging operations to have water supplies and to adhere to other fire season prevention rules. For the public, this means no outside burning, all burning (except graze/pasture burning) will cease until fire season is lifted this fall. In addition, for the public, we will impose Regulated Use and our Smokey signs will be placed on “Green”. As you know, as drying occurs we will change these signs to indicate more restrictive measures for the public.
What this means for maintenance days: we will no longer be bringing any portable grills or propane stoves to work parties or group rides. We will also be reducing our gas powered machine usage as things dry out. Luckily our club purchased some amazing electric brushers, chainsaws, and tools to use all season long. As stewards of our forest, we recommend carrying 5 gallons of water, fire extinguisher, and a hand tool or two while driving along forest roads or heading out to your next trail adventure. It’s always best to be prepared and ready!
Summer is here! Time to enjoy the sunshine and play it safe in the woods while out camping.