Lobster Creek Trail Crew Training Jan 28 & 29th – UPDATE!!

Looks like the weather is cooperating!!!   We will plan Sunday activities during the campfire session Saturday night.  Word on the street says Sunday participation will be minimal so we’ll play it by ear. Please bring a long sleeve shirt, safety glasses, sturdy boots and gloves.  We will provide additional safety equipment as needed. Text or call […]

Lobster Creek Trail Crew Training Jan 28 & 29th – UPDATE!! Read More »

Proud Owners of a Tool Trailer

Our grant came through for the official Wild River Coast Mountain Bicycling Association’s Tool Trailer! Steve and Eddie, along with WRCMBA’s approval, picked up a great deal on an amazing, “one-of-a-kind,” trailer for our adventures in trail building and club events. We are currently working on getting our logo and decals up on this beaut, expect

Proud Owners of a Tool Trailer Read More »